EU Startups: Biggest beacons implementation ever comes to Warsaw implemented by Ifinity

Adam Jesionkiewicz, CEO of Ifinity says: “Virtual Warsaw is a technological breakthrough in access to city services for the citizens of Warsaw, including those with disabilities – explains . The Ifinity microlocation technology allows us to facilitate the process of resolving issues with public offices, provides a basis for navigation through mazes of corridors, sets route depending on the issue that we need to deal with and allows us to pick up a queue number. The system also includes informative content, which depends on location and is fully adapted to the requirements of citizens with vision impairment.”

Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw, says: “I am very glad, that the innovativeness of our idea, which helps people with vision impairment to move about the City, was appreciated. I hope, that Virtual Warsaw will in the future become a guide through our Capital City for all of its citizens and visitors, and that the system will also be implemented in other cities.”


Biggest beacons implementation comes to Warsaw implemented by Ifinity
Warsaw will run a beacons project worth over €1 million submitted by Ifinity and chosen amongst 155 European cities participating in Bloomberg Mayors Challenge.
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