TechCrunch: Ifinity Unveils Battery-Less Beacon Tech

Innovation in the beacon space — the micro-location technology that lets your smartphone trigger events based on how close you are to a beacon transmitter — doesn’t seems to be letting up any time soon. Polish startup Ifinity appears to be well on its way to solving one of the potential headaches of beacons: the need to periodically replace each transmitter’s battery. To do this it’s developed battery-less beacon tech that uses ambient electromagnetic waves.

The resulting product — dubbed AirBeacon — is currently in the testing phase with an estimated release date of the fourth quarter of the year. It works by extracting power from a single source of low-current ambient electromagnetic waves.

Ifinity AirBeacon: “We figured out the way to power-up them periodically with an external power device (e.g. power converter or router) nearby,” Ifinity’s CMO Krystian Cieślak tells me.


Ifinity Unveils Battery-Less Beacon Tech – TechCrunch
Innovation in the beacon space -- the micro-location technology that lets your smartphone trigger events based on how close you are to a beacon transmitter -- doesn’t seems to be letting up any time soon. Polish startup Ifinity appears to be well on its way to solving one of the potential headaches…
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